22 July, 2015

Honey candy

Here are a couple of honey treats from the ancient world, as recreated by Andrew Dalby and Sally Grainger in The Classical Cookbook (J. Paul Getty Museum, 1996. ISBN: 0892363940).

Delian sweets (Greek)

3/4 cup boiling water
1/2 cup sifted all-purpose flour (preferably unbleached)
olive oil for deep frying
2 Tbsp. warm honey
poppy seeds or ground black pepper for sprinkling

Vigorously beat flour in water and let cook for a few minutes. Turn out onto a large plate or, if available, a marble slab. Let cool completely; it should be firm but a little sticky. While the oil heats, cut flour mixture into cubes. Test the oil with a little of the mixture; when it rises and colors, the oil is ready. Cook cubes 2-3 at a time in the oil for 3-4 minutes, until golden brown. Remove and drain on kitchen paper, then drizzle with honey and sprinkle with poppy seeds or pepper.

Alexandrian sweets (Roman)

1 cup sesame seeds
3/4 cup (total) chopped almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts
3/4 cup honey

Roast sesame seeds and nuts at 350F until they begin to color. Bring honey to a boil, skim, and simmer 7 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in sesame seeds and nuts. Spread in a greased baking tray or shallow dish to cool. When cool enough to handle, form into small balls; wrap in pieces of paper to store.

Versión en español: this post is also available in Spanish.
Esperanta traduko: this post is also available in Esperanto, because Dana is a language geek.