19 July, 2015

Penne with beet greens and garlic

6 Tbsp olive oil
2 cloves garlic, chopped
16-20 oz. beet greens in 1-inch pieces
1 lb. dried penne or rigatoni, cooked
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese, plus extra for serving
salt and pepper to taste

Heat 2 Tbsp. oil, add garlic and stir about 2 minutes. Stir in greens and cook 5-10 minutes until wilted. Remove from heat and stir in remaining olive oil. Pour over pasta and top with Parmesan cheese. Toss quickly and serve with extra cheese.

Adapted from Peterson, James, Vegetables. William Morrow, 1998. ISBN: 0688146589

Versión en español: this post is also available in Spanish
Esperanta traduko: this post is also available in Esperanto, because Dana is a language geek.