28 July, 2015

Squash blossoms stuffed with cheese and herbs

12 large squash blossoms, pistils removed but stems left on (for small blossoms, use more)
1 egg, lightly beaten
all-purpose flour
olive oil to fill pan to the depth of 1/2 inch

1 clove garlic, peeled and minced or crushed
1/4 tsp. salt, or to taste
3/4 cup (about 3 oz.) fresh goat cheese, ricotta, mozzarella, or Monterey Jack, shredded if appropriate
1/2 cup grated parmesan
1 Tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
1 Tbsp chopped fresh basil or 2 tsp. chopped fresh thyme
pepper to taste

Mix stuffing ingredients. Carefully open the petals of each flower and tuck about 1 Tbsp. of stuffing mixture into the base. Twist the tops of the petals together and dip each bundle in egg, then roll in flour. Shake off any excess and fry bundles in oil over medium heat 3-4 at a time until golden, 2-4 minutes. Drain briefly on paper towels and serve immediately.

Adapted from Rombauer, Irma S.; Rombauer Becker, Marion,; Becker, Ethan, Joy of cooking.[Revised ed.] Scribner, 1997. ISBN: 0684818701

Versión en español: this post is also available in Spanish.
Esperanta traduko: this post is also available in Esperanto, because Dana is a language geek.