13 August, 2015

Blackberry catsup

2 lb. blackberries, washed and picked over (may sub. combo of blackberries and elderberries or black currants and apple)
3 cup chopped onion
1.25 cup white malt vinegar
1/4 tsp. ground cloves
1/2 tsp. ground allspice
1/2 tsp. turmeric
1 1/3 cup light brown sugar

Place the onion in a fairly large saucepan with the vinegar and cook 5 min. Add remaining ingredients and cook 30 min. Allow to cool slightly before blending. Sieve the puree to remove seeds. Pour into sterilized bottles.

May be served with pork chops, duck, turkey, barbecued meats.

Adapted from Fruit fandango / Moya Clarke. Chartwell Books, c1994.

Versión en español: this post is also available in Spanish.
Esperanta traduko: this post is also available in Esperanto, because Dana is a language geek.